Badge Design Tips for 1600B, 1800B , 1900A or PRO5000
When you make a badge, the outer few millimetres of your artwork is folded over, and into the back of the badge as the badge is crimpled together.
CIRCLE A is of 68.5mm diameter. This is the diameter of your Cut-A-Circle as this is set at the factory. This gives you the correct outer diameter of your artwork disc.
CIRCLE B is of 57mm diameter. When creating your artwork, or commissioning a designer or printer to produce this for you, your visible artwork should not exceed this diameter. If it does, you will 'lose' some of the design around the circumference.
It is a good idea to rough out a design first and try it on a 'test' badge to ensure it is not cropped at the edges. This is especially important if you are using lettering to convey message.
Download the 'Design Your Own Badge To Scale' document here